Hi!!!!!!!! :)

Hello all, I hope you are well. Here are my authorly updates since last time:

  • As you can see, my website has been redesigned and I think it is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! My coworker helped me with the design aspect and I am so happy with it.
  • I’ve also moved over all of my insane ramblings essays over here, as well as the many book reviews from my ongoing Trauma in SFF reading project. The old blog is now gone, RIP.
  • I wrote a tiny story about Frauke and Kaourintin set after the end of WWWIM. I am telling you that I STRESSED over whether there should be a sex scene in the book itself, but I ended up deciding that the scene was better as it is now – with Kaourintin realizing that it’s okay to not be ready and them being able to support each other in that way too. That being said, I still thought it would be a really nice thing to come back to, so I did here. To my mother’s certain relief (she said the sex scene in Memory and Curses was “too much” ) it is not graphic.
  • I’ve donated my author earnings a couple of times since December, focusing on aid for Palestinians – I believe I mentioned this in my author newsletter but not in a post here. I highly encourage my readers to do the same, share information, and voice their dissent in whatever ways are possible.

Grad school is grad schooling, work is working, and internship is internshipping, so I honestly am not sure when I will be able to write again. That being said, I do have a couple of non-book projects in the works that are a bit less time consuming…so keep an eye out.

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